多明塔斯酒莊 老鄉⾨⻄亞紅葡萄酒禮盒
Dominio de Tares El Paisano de Tares 2020
曾獲世界百大30名的酒莊 -Dominio di Tares推別推出限量Porron套組,木箱裝一酒搭一壺,葡萄酒更是複刻古早釀酒法,60年老藤紅白葡萄混釀,天然酵母,Cubetos傳統橡木桶內發酵。酒體清新爽朗、果香迷人。
多眀塔斯酒莊(Dominio de Tares)位於西班牙西北部Léon省內的比耶洛(Bierzo)產區,葡萄酒名人林裕森在造訪過Bierzo產區後說到:「全西班牙最優雅迷人的葡萄酒在未來將會是Bierzo的天下」。
林裕森說到:「門西亞(Mencia)葡萄釀造的紅酒讓我看到一個全新的,卻又蘊涵地方與傳統風味的葡萄酒風格正在誕生。其中有不少酒款已經展現了特別精巧細緻,在西班牙未曾有過的優雅風姿。」,而菁英酒莊-多眀塔斯酒莊(Dominio de Tares)也確實成功的釀造出兩款榮獲Wine Spectator百大葡萄酒殊榮的頂級門西亞(Mencia)紅葡萄酒,也因為多眀塔斯酒莊的成就,多位國際酒評家皆認為「比耶洛(Bierzo)產區是繼Ribera del Duero、Priorato以及Toro之後將發光發熱的明星產區」。
Our vineyards
Respect and singularity
At Dominio de Tares, our mission is to respect the character and singularity of each wine and its production in order to bring you the purest expression of our terroir.
That’s why we rigorously hold each harvest to the highest of standards, with a completely manual harvest in small boxes, double selection of the grapes to guarantee the maximum quality of our raw material, natural fermentation with the yeast of each vineyard, and minimum intervention in the winery.
We bring our wines to you when they are at their very best and ready to be consumed, allowing young wines to express their full freshness and vitality, and meanwhile preserving our wines for laying down until they achieve optimal balance in both the barrel and bottle. It is only through such attention to detail that we have become pioneers and leaders with our wines.
- Guardians of tradition
At Dominio de Tares, we consider ourselves heirs to an ancient legacy that it is our duty to protect and perpetuate. A legacy with names such as Mencía, Godello and Prieto Picudo, which, cultivated in small traditional vineyard plots, full of history and impossible to mechanise, were fostered by the Roman settlers in the area more than 2000 years ago. Later they were perfected by the Order of Cistercians and the enriching cultural exchanges offered by the Camino de Santiago.
This heritage has been at serious risk of extinction since the event of industrialisation in the 19th century, and we are currently putting all our efforts into rescuing and protecting this legacy of old vines and the sustainable relationship with the natural and social environment, in order to guarantee its continuity and transmission to future generations.
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