龐派諾蘭姆酒 銀蓋
Pampero Blanco Rum
根據委內瑞拉法律規定 當地的蘭姆酒無論等級,至少都要陳年兩年以上才可以裝瓶拿出來賣,相較其他白蘭姆酒,酒精刺激性低,口感也柔和許多,加上價位相當和善,非常適合當成您入門的第一瓶蘭姆酒,白蘭姆酒帶有蜜糖、香草的味道,濕潤爽口,適合調製雞尾酒。
龐派諾 Pampero
Industrias Pampero,它成立於1938年,生產各種蘭姆酒,包括白蘭姆酒Pampero Blanco(用於製作雞尾酒),陳年蘭姆酒Pampero Especial(混合了委內瑞拉深色蘭姆酒在橡木桶中陳化兩年)和陳年蘭姆酒 Pampero Aniversario。

Industrias Pampero, C.A. is a Venezuelan rum distiller, and a subsidiary of Diageo.
It was founded in 1938 and produces a range of rums, including a white rum Pampero Blanco (used to make cocktails), an aged rum Pampero Especial (a blend of dark Venezuelan rums aged for two years in oak casks), and an aged rum Pampero Aniversario (sold in a brown leather pouch).
"Ron Pampero" is typically known by Venezuelans as "Caballito Frenao" (literally "Restrained Horse" but in this context "Rearing Horse"), in reference to its popular brand logo, a cowboy sitting astride a rearing horse in the Venezuelan plains, a scene comparable to that of the gaucho from the Argentinian plains, or Pampas, so therefore its name ("Pampero" literally means "from the Pampas", although the Venezuelan plains are called Llanos).
Pampero was founded in 1938 by Alejandro Hernández, the son of Dr. Amador Hernandez and Dolorita Hernandez from Juan Griego, Margarita.In 1991, Tamayo sold 95% of Industrias Pampero to the United Distillers subsidiary of Guinness Brewery for £45 million.